Vijay Sales, Maharastra


Maharastra , India



Vijay Sales Reviews

Vijay Sales Reviews

Submit Complaint/ Review against Vijay Sales through Indian Consumer Complaints Forum ComplaintRoom. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Vijay Sales submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Vijay Sales is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Vijay Sales directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email. You may call at: +91 7303434043. Also can sent email to [email protected]. Vijay Sales has also its own website as

Customer Satisfaction Rating : 0%

Complaints Overview
Complaints 5
Pending 5
Resolved 0


CTS No. 220/ 16 - 17,
Patel Estate Road,
Near Telephone Exchange & 24 Karat,
Opposite Patel Industry,
Jogeshwari - (West), Mumbai - 400102
Maharastra (India)

Customer Care Contacts

  • Phone: +91 7303434043
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Fax:
  • TollFree: 022 26766100

Additional Information

Vijay Sales is online store. where consumer durable electronic products are available.

Vijay Sales Complaints & Reviews

I bought a Samsung 65" led on 27 sep 2022 . from Vijay sales - RDC branch Ghaziabad .. it was delivered in 48 hours and when the installing wa...
gauravgoel 30th of Sep 2022
I bought an air conditioner from Vijay sales on 7th July 2020 then they said that if there is any colling problem in 5 years then no money will hav...
Sachin05 28th of Aug 2021
Past one year I'm claiming my warrenty service for my Videocon tv they are doing nothing about it , I'm suffering from last one year because of this this i...
akshay golatkar 17th of Aug 2021
I have purchased a purifire of eurekaforbes from Vijay sales in online mode from B Market. I got its delivery on next day. But after repeated request it is no...
bokilsarang1 6th of Aug 2021
I ordered a washing machine Godrej 10kg Lilac Sprinkle on 17 october, 2020 order number: and the delivery date was on 18 October, 2020. However I still not received i...
Ekhlaque Khan 19th of Oct 2020

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