Western Shoppers



Western Shoppers

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Western Shoppers Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against Western Shoppers through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Western Shoppers submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Western Shoppers is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Western Shoppers directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

Western Shoppers Complaints & Reviews

I have received different product from the company and also the product which I received is an used product and there is no return and contact option for this company please stay away from these type of scammers I literally got scammed of 2k....
Mehul Kumar 4th of Feb 2022
They gave me wrong order and now they are neither picking up my call nor they responding on whats app neither...
Darshu810 31st of Jan 2022
I ordered a jacket from here and instead of that they delivered a piece of cloth to me. Tried contacting the delivery person and the seller but their contact numbers are coming off as invalid.

They took my money and now there's no way to contact them. Please help me out. I guess these people are doing this to everyone. They need to be caught. These people are fraud and are conning people by delivering wrong product and getting away with the money....
Fiza Firdous 26th of Jan 2022
I placed an order from western shoppers but I received wrong product and now the contact number through which they have contacted me is going invalid. And they are also not responding on whatsapp and instagram.

Their instagram i'd is https://instagram.com/western_shoppers?utm_medium=copy_link. They are running their business through Dukaan aap. Their contact number is [Protected]through which they have contacted me but not it is said to be invalid number. I am unable to call them now....
Vaishali123 23rd of Jan 2022

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