Kuida Saree



Kuida Saree

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Kuida Saree Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against Kuida Saree through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Kuida Saree submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Kuida Saree is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Kuida Saree directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

Kuida Saree Complaints & Reviews

I have received saree my order no is 22244 not to recieved exact to i have see in ur app also to damaged saree and the border of saree also to damaged its see that saree is used and colours and borders are not same as you show on ur site....
Aaannnaaaa 25th of Jun 2022
I ordered silk saree but received worst quality cotton saree not even worth of ₹ 100. They are not responding to call and mails. Don't have customer care no. So please show some ways to get back my money....
Shwetash 16th of May 2022
I have get a worst saree. When I call them the given no is switch off. I want to return this and refund my money...
Shreyan 2nd of Nov 2021
I order the white and black border saree they will send me the saree in blue color and the couldn't be reply on my mail..calls are not ans by them..so bad experience of online shopping.....
Nehashree patil 22nd of Oct 2021
We ordered saree on Kuidaa saree website via facebook on 31st August, in Shahada. We received a call about departure of our product. On 4th September ,we received the parcel but that was not what we ordered. What we ordered was a peach colored silk saree and we received is plain white saree.

We tried contacting them with the same number they called us and also through the contact information given on the site but the phone numbers seems to be invalid and the other phone seems to be always busy. We also tried to email our issue but the given email ID is also invalid.

And now, we cannot connect to them via any media since, the contact information they provided is invalid. We have tried every way of contacting them but nothing seems to be fruitful. Their site doesn't even have a proper complaint area for a consumer to state their inconvenience.

Thus, we wish to file a complaint and expect a refund and product return since we are not satisfied by the product sent to us....
Neha Shivade 8th of Sep 2021

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