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HappyeBay04.com Complaints & Reviews

2 days before i had received a WhatsApp massage and link to follow to make money online..After registered they give 5he 5adk by level lv1,lv2,lv3 etc i had completed lv2 and i received my amount back after completed level 2 then i started level 3 and they told me that in lv3 i have to complete 3 task and i did that but after completed 3 task it shows 85% done only and until that time.

I spend 27000 rupees already when i ask them to refund my amount they told me to complete the task then i can withdrawal my amount and next task is for 50000 more rupees now they pot all my amount in frozen account please help me out of this.They told me if i am not completed the task my money will we refunded after six month..

But i know now its a fraud please help me out what should i do now..27000 is a big amount for me......
Kumresh 16th of Jun 2022
Hi I start ebay 1st task 2dd task complete. then 3rd task will lock in my amount 1L. that agent ask once u task completed then u will get money. i will arrange in 1Lac will complete in level 3 task.

Then I will withdraw but not credited in my account.that agent ask u pay gst then u will credited your amount. gst amount 90k. I need no more money I need my money 310000. please send my amount please send my account....
Bala224 16th of Jun 2022
I invest lot of money around 87000. They said complete the task and Withdraw your money. I said give my money back I don't want any commission. just give my amount which i paid.

She said. Pay 50000 for you task when task is 100% you can withdraw you money
Her number is (+[Protected]natasha cassie)....
Dimple Prajapati 26th of May 2022
Took 63000 rupees from me on the pretext of job and went on trapping me. I put all my life's earnings in this. Please help me. And close this company. I should get my money back....
Aradhya 25th of May 2022
It was task related thing which gave bonus on the product purchase, each time the value would go up and it would block your investment amount until you finish the next task, after doing all the task.

You give my only money I had to pay gst, but still no sign of my money. A big amount go invested. really big fraud this is. they are playing with mu hard earn money. The number which chat with you are of Philippines.

And the money yoh transfer are Indian numbers. such a big scam between two countries. I just want my invested money back and not the bonus. Please help....
Anki 24th of May 2022
I invested a lot of money on this site and contacted bay, so bay is saying this is not my website please i want justice he s They told me that you buy the order, you will get the income you will get, but now they are refusing to give it....
Aditynarayan 13th of May 2022

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