Fashion OverLoad



Fashion OverLoad

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Fashion OverLoad Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against Fashion OverLoad through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Fashion OverLoad submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Fashion OverLoad is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Fashion OverLoad directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

Fashion OverLoad Complaints & Reviews

I have done shopping on fashion Overlord company. They have deducted mine 150 rs. from Google pay but I haven't got any message from there side And when I am tracking my order, it's showing empty.

Please help me in refunding back my amount. They are fraudulent. Hope for kind cooperation....
Abhishek Tiwari 26th of Jan 2022
I place order from fashion over load and I also make payment. Payment is deducted to receiver name anilkumar Nanu bhai kheni but didn't receive order.

This is Fraud scam I request to all users as well as cyber crime department to check details and register to complain against him also close his website so that not anyone facing same problem. ...
Sanju Nigam 24th of Jan 2022
On 13th January 2022, I ordered a smart watch for my kid for Rs.199 from an online company, Fashion Over Lord. They deducted my amount and there is no update regarding my order.

I tried to reach them out but no use. I have received only a confirmation message regarding the payment they received. Below is the mail received. Your transaction with PARESHBHAI NAGJIBHAI KAKADIYA was successful.

Amount Paid: 199.00
Order Date: [Protected]

The information given in the websites are not trustable. Is there any options to take down this site from google....
JeraldNithin 22nd of Jan 2022
I online transaction this bag for rs 199 but not order I'd given no delivery until and why the google not verified the fraud website many more persons complaint against this site then not solved I requested kindly to you be punish this web immediately....
Dilip1981 18th of Jan 2022

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