Pokket Kredit App



Pokket Kredit App

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Pokket Kredit App Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against Pokket Kredit App through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Pokket Kredit App submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Pokket Kredit App is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Pokket Kredit App directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

Pokket Kredit App Complaints & Reviews

I was filling my information and the amount get credited in my bank. I didn't wanted to take loan, I was trying to see the how much credit will I get from the app But they automatically they credited my account. And I'm not able to repay the amount.

Just take the amount that you credited in my account, I'm not going to pay any single money more than I receive, which I never wanted to take....
Kamsa 29th of May 2022
Without loan disturbed now they can demand more than that amount. There collection dept. Harassing to me continuously and my individual data used wrong way. i never took loan any other app they have my individual data like adhar card, pan card, photos, selfie, and they also harassing and demand to repay our loan.

Even i repay my loan and required more amount. please Don't used this fraud app. worst app. 3rd class person who running his company. he is 3rd class person, fraud person, and his company also 3rd class, worst company and fraud company. There inquiry dept.

Also worst who always say it take 48 hours to solve the issue but issues never solve. i continuously massaging and mailing after received 1st transaction but they never responded to me.

Finally i paid amount with extra interest rate like 7% per day for 9000 for 1 month. After also other person message to me, we have your photo and adhar card, pan card pay our loan with extra due.

Their collection dept. Used 3rd class language, here all dept. Is fraud they don't have talking manners. By govt. Side take action on such fraud app. They used their data and harassing to them. Please justice for that....
Akashsinganjude 18th of May 2022
I just opened app to check it. And it says that I applied for 19k loan. Without any confirmation from my end they started processing, most importantly the bank account which I was using had some issues and i had to close it before.

Therefore I cannot receive a single rupee even if they try to send me. So there is no way that they will be able to send me a single rupee of loan. I sent them more than 200 mails to cancel the process.

After 4 days I check it again it says I need to repay loan.
1) I did not give any consent to receive any sort of loan.
2) they can’t send me single rupee as my bank account is closed and does not exist.
3) without Sending me a single rupee how can they demand money back?

WE NEED TO TAKE STRICT ACTIONS AGAINST THIS FRAUD FAKE APPS. NEED JUSTICE FOR SUCH KINDA FRAUD APPS. Moreover it’s A Chinese app. It’s a Mental Harassment to repay when I dint even receive a single rupee....
Mohithkanduri 14th of May 2022
I have made a payment towards Razer cash through Pokket Kredit app via UPI. However, the money got debited from my account but the loan is still showing pending...
Pallabi Chakrabarty 2nd of May 2022
So the problem is that i was download that application and after registration i will apply for loans then he give 6000total amount which i received 3612 with all deductions then i imgetlay repayment.

But still this app not update my payment status was not updated yet and after this apps harassing is start so i registered this complaint earlier please solve my problem....
Prasadmantri 16th of Apr 2022

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