Growth School



Growth School

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Growth School Complaints & Reviews

Participating in Growthschool's 3-hour ChatGPT workshop was exciting. But things went sour afterwards. They said to get the AI for Marketers course, I had to buy the Intense AI course too, which I didn't want. In an online meeting, Vaibhav said if I paid for both, I'd get a refund for Intense AI. I trusted him and paid, but there's been no refund yet. I tried contacting them for help, but no response. It's frustrating and disappointing. I hope they keep their promise and refund me soon. This experience has made me hesitant about Growthschool. I just want them to fix this and communicate better in the future....
krishna14 19th of Feb 2024
I signed up for a course after the 3 hour webinar this past Sunday. The payment went through very quickly. I got a Whatsapp message stating my first session (with a different name) was at the same time as the webinar I was in. I wrote back asking for clarification. They asked for proof of payment and the email I had registered with. I gave both, even though a business should have payment records.

I wrote back asking for concrete information, like the schedule. The response is consistently the same: "We will check with our internal team and get back to you at the earliest."Angry, and worried about having lost my money, I wrote them this was starting to look like a scam and asked for a refund if they didn't send me concrete information about the course. I got silence.

I wrote back asking for a refund. Silence again.I went online looking for other reviews. Other people had similar experiences, especially in the lack of response.First, a business should know when they receive money from people, who the payee is, and the payee's email. Second, a business should give actual answers to their customers after taking their money. Third, I have received zero information about the course I signed up for - no schedule. I don't trust this company and I want a refund....
ann 27th of Sep 2023
I purchased a Performance Marketing Course from them. I was not sure as am not into it so I asked them many times that will it provide proper lead experience and on daily calls some times 2 times a day they used to tell proper support, guidance will be given.

When I purchased the course I even didn’t received the confirmation on payment, No mail for their module excess and everyone who used to call got busy. After follow up I got the credentials and what I got was lots of VIDEO and Videos. They promised that there will be lecturers but first week No class then on Sundays they used to have only Q&A for the doubts.

If a person has to learn from Videos there is YouTube for it whats the fun of enrolling in the course? Also their videos are so Non-Interactive that a person like me have to see it 3 times to understand and refer YouTube for Basic knowledge which I didn’t have thats way wanted to join any Course.

As a working professional I had office also and then had to see their videos but those were so so long that it just got pilled up and I lost the interest as after the payment was done No Personal support was there. I am not getting this course and its full waste of my 20k. I am regretting to purchase it and when studying, YouTube and other means giving better knowledge then Growth School. ...
Katoch 24th of Aug 2023
These idiots took my money twice whenever i ask them they will just say wait for 24hoursthats it and they wont even care to give you update, dont relive them they are looters and that vaibhav idiot doesn't even care and shamelessly doing more classes of same for money, they are literally looting away, never join them and waste your hard earned money, these people are biggest scammers out there and never leave a chance to loot you, beware of this money suckers....
Vivek N 6th of May 2023
Purchase date: 31 March
Online Payment for Content Writing Course. This platform showed up on my Instagram feed and i signed up for a content writing live program that was 3 hours long, which was supposed to take place on 26th April.

The course got cancelled but they never informed us that it was cancelled. So i wrote them a mail and they said it was cancelled and will be re scheduled. There is no further response or update from them.

They are refusing to give me refund. I wanted to do the course in April, now it is of no use to me and i doubt if they will even reschedule it. They just took the money and vanished....
Shreya Labhane 6th of May 2022

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