Since march to august i have paid for the dth connection but it was not installed yet at my place and i have been complaining that please waive off the extra payment that i have made so that i can make the payment of the rest amount.
And use the services but they are trolling me since September that it will be waived off and they always used to barred my services every month they treat me very badly this is pure harassment and humiliation which is unacceptable
I have been a valuable customer of airtel with their airtel black plan the premium plan i want a compensation regarding the same for this harassment and humiliation they have done to me the mental torture by barring my services
Whenever they want, i want a compensation of 10 Lacs for this because this is pure harassment they are doing with me such a big name in telecommunication and they are treating there premium customers like this which is unacceptable.
And this is regarding my number [Protected]and the dth connection number [Protected]with the black id connection number [Protected]i want this case to be resolved soon and justice should be served.
I have paid them around Rs. 7000.
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