TermLife application (Ref. ID- [Protected])
Policy Number [Protected]
Policy bazar is a non-ethical company and before buying policy your team member promises and after paying a premium your service is bad and there is no reply to me. As I had asked why my policy is being rejected then there is no reply from RM as well as your team. This is how you are providing services? Before buying you can call many many times but after paying the premium you have no time to reply emails too. For such behaviour why should I not complain to IRDA?
Also I had paid a premium for this policy and now you are talking about paying 7-10 working days? why? I do not care about your internal process and herewith a warning to provide me my refund within today or else the policy bazar has to pay interest till the date I received payment. Why company you using my funds? Please refund my money today.
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