I had ordered a Burberry handbag for my wife but it has been more than one and a half months and haven’t received the product. They are not responding to my messages or calls. Earlier, they were very prompt and were responded to my messages. The bag kept delayed and then they gradually started ignoring my texts and calls.
They haven’t even given me any tracking details. I am very frustrated. I have tried every number available on their website. I have even emailed them with my issue. But no response. My wife was so excited as it was an anniversary gift. Now I feel very bad as she has lost interest and feels sorry for me. I do not know what to do in this case.
Please help me resolve this. There should be a some kind of law enforcement to stop them from doing such things.Can you please reach them and get this resolved. I hope some action is taken against them so that they stop scamming people and do not put them in a position to resort to such ends. It keeps asking me to add more and more words for this complaint to be resolved.
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