Online Shopping > > Luxisma Fake product sent, No Warranty Luxisma Fake product sent, No Warranty

delm 23rd of Jun 2021
Mumbai, India
I ordered a Louis Vuitton hand bag,it took forever to come,after much follow up,I received it, I was promised that it will come with a bill and warranty,which did not. The product is fake,I got it authenticated by a professional,they said it's a fake.

I haven't received the warranty. The customer care executive Twinkle and Mansi,who knows even their names are fake! They just don't respond,I have emailed them for refund,DM then on Instagram but no one responds.

Fraud company and pathetic service.I hope people who are looking up on the net for further details of this company read these complaints and NOT waste their time and money on this.

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#45/2, Shree Ganesh towers 1st floor,
Near Unilet opp sumangali Silks,
B Narayanaswamappa Rd, Yeswanthpur,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560022.

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