After 20 days the engineer came and told it's rat bit. I have paid the service charge Rs.500 for rectifying the issue temporary. Lloyd service is not satisfactory.. poor service experienced. Thought of buy Lloyd AC but change my mind after experiencing the service. Thank for the engineer last visited
After 20 days the engineer came and told it's rat bit. I have paid the service charge Rs.500 for rectifying the issue temporary. Lloyd service is not satisfactory.. poor service experienced. Thought of buy Lloyd AC but change my mind after experiencing the service. Thank for the engineer last visited
After 20 days the engineer came and told it's rat bit. I have paid the service charge Rs.500 for rectifying the issue temporary. Lloyd service is not satisfactory.. poor service experienced. Thought of buy Lloyd AC but change my mind after experiencing the service. Thank for the engineer last visited
After 20 days the engineer came and told it's rat bit. I have paid the service charge Rs.500 for rectifying the issue temporary. Lloyd service is not satisfactory.. poor service experienced. Thought of buy Lloyd AC but change my mind after experiencing the service. Thank for the engineer last visited
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