Cloud Ecommerce Pvt Ltd



Cloud Ecommerce Pvt Ltd

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Cloud Ecommerce Pvt Ltd Reviews & Complaints

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Cloud Ecommerce Pvt Ltd Complaints & Reviews

My self Monica Lade got a message from a lady Priya from this company to do work from home and get good money. I agreed. She told me I have to help increase the trade for the merchants online by buying products for them with my money.

And I will get my money back along with the commissions in 1min. She gave me contact of a telegram person John Kuznev and said he will guide you. Initially I started with a task of Rs 100/- then 500/-.

And both the times i got the money I invested plus commissions within 5min. Later John gave me a never ending task where I was forced to invest 2 lacs for completing the task.

He said the task cannot be stopped in between and you have to complete it else you will loose all the money you have invested until now. I had no option, so I invested 2 lacs and finally completed the entire task successfully.

He told me now you can withdraw your payment ie 2 lacs + comm = 283000/-. At the time of withdrawal he said you have to pay additional Rs 113320/- as a secure deposit to get your money as your payment is very high and is included in risky transaction.

He promised me that I will get this deposit amt back along with my payment. If I don't pay I don't get any money. So I paid the deposit amt of 113320/- as well with great difficulty.

After paying deposit he said my payment and deposit amt which totals to about 396622/- will be transferred to my bank account within 3 hrs. Today its 4 days no money has been transferred to my account.

And this telegram person who was in contact with me everyday has suddenly stopped replying me after receiving the deposit amt and suddenly disappeared. I contacted Priya but she has also stopped replying to me.

I message both of them everyday but they don't reply at all. I am tired. I have been cheated very badly. I don't know now whom to contact from this company to get my money back. Please help me and save me.

I am not interested in their commissions. Please help me get back only my hard earned money which I have given them and my deposit amt. That's it. Please help me. Please I request you....
monica Lade 21st of Jan 2022
I joined in this company as a part time with recharge of 500 rupess.. They ask me to complete the task by paying of total 7.5 lakhs.. but now I am unable to withdraw the amount.. please help me to get my money back sir....
Ruthwii 18th of Jan 2022
They asked to do part time job and recharge [Protected]so that you earn 60-300 rupees per day i recharged with 5000 and started the process with user name purnamudi & no 593771.

Now with in 3 days they increased the recharge amount upto 1,50,000 which i recharged still the task is pending now they are asking 1,55,000 sir i you request that stop the process and let me withdraw amount....
Purnamudi 9th of Jan 2022
Date 1|1|2022 they massage my younger brother on what's app and tell him about part time job, they say you have to complete your task and later you will get your money with commission

But now they not giving our money back they keep telling to complete another task and it cost 172000 and now I don't have any money left in my account they now giving me my money back please help me out its a request....
Kuljot 8th of Jan 2022
Cloud ecommerce private limited is fake and fraud they asked to do the part time to select that they offered 1000 to 10000. I selected 2000 rupees plan after it asked for each grab minimum 5000 rupees.

I spent nearly 20000 rupees, but still it is asking more money to complete that 2000 rupees task. They people don't think to theft the hard workers money. Kindly help to recover my money....
Bala T 1st of Jan 2022

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