CashBuss App



CashBuss App

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CashBuss App Reviews & Complaints

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CashBuss App Complaints & Reviews

Please stop reaching out to my contacts and stop threatening me. I'm tired of the embarrassments. I lost my phone and my details were used to borrow from your app. I've been paying loans upon loans that I didn't borrow. I have also agreed to pay this one so please I beg you respect yourselves and stop reaching out to my contacts. It's annoying and defaming....
Iluokhanu Peace 16th of Aug 2023
Cashbus called my contact threatening then posting my pic am a rapist cause i couldn't pay on time meanwhile network is very bad and they caused my my work and contract worth millions....
Ebuka 22nd of Feb 2023
Cash bus loan is a one week short term loan their executive are worst in behavior. They steal all my contacts from my mobile threatening me to call my contacts and upload my aadhar card on social media platforms....
Tej kumar 3rd of May 2022
Sir I take a loan from cash bus application from Google Play Store and I am paying it correctly for almost 2 years But this month due to some medical reasons I cannot pay it on correct time.

They called my phone contact and harass me. They tell that I'm a rapist and send it along with my photo to my contacts. Please take strict action against these online loan application. There are so many people trapped in this loans.

Please if there's any possibility to ban these in authorised application please do it....
Sarath0166 22nd of Mar 2022
Hi I have taken a loan from cash bus the amount was credited to my account. For a week they are charged me 5000 interest which was not accepted by any judiciary.Now they are threatening me.

And blackmailing me that they will call my contacts and will create a WATS app group on my name and stating that I was a fraud. If they do it the only thing is left to suicide and I m getting very panic of this situation.

In the info it was stated that for 92 days loan but they have given for 7 days and its very hard to pay the amount. Even I was saying that I will pay the principal with the interest for seven days they are not listening....
Ram555 21st of Jan 2022
Respected Sir i had taken loan from an online platform called cash bus that too for 1 week in which they had 1500 rs for 2500 rs today was my due date they called me from morning and harassed me and my family.

Started threatening people by calling them and started talking in reverse, they have disturbed a lot, sir....
Shubhamgedam194 16th of Dec 2021
Ye call karke mere ko gali de raha hai. Or mera sab contact me sms kar raha hai ki ye chor hai. Mere pass proof hai. Ye 15 dinka loan deta hai. Jab mene bola ki koi bhi loan minimum 3 month ka hota hai, tab se gali de raha hai. Sabko call kar raha hai App play store me hai....
EPIC MOVIE 11th of Sep 2021
I got a loan from cashbus and lendmall some situation I could not make payment at right time. Now they take all data and contact and send to me. Now they telling If u make payment we send to your family and friends.

Now they are doing harassment activities so take necessary action thank you....
Muthuvel 8th of Sep 2021
I have taken loan of 4k four times of different partners in lendmall and cashbuss and due to lockdown I am asking to give some time but they are not listening and calling to my relatives.

And they have access all my data on my phone blackmailing me also please take necessary action against them i am fed up with them. I feel like killing myself but i am urging to help me on this matter.

Please take necessary action against them please take action against them they are harassing and threatening me day by day all the time please take quick action.

Please they are calling and calling telling if you don't pay we will create watsapp group of your family and share the photos they are telling like that what should i do in that situation.

And they are not having a contact number also they can only call .if we will call it's saying the number is not valid one. So please close this app as soon as possible all who are taken loan from this app are suffering like me.

They are charging high interest rate upto 2k per week please take the action against them....
Pk76733 7th of Sep 2021

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