First i am from poor family looking for apart time job .They only reached me once i am starting applying i don't know how much unsafe this job site I just enquirer the information for part time job they collected few documents now they are asking to pay 7079 rupees without i am working i am poor family just to help my family financially i applied job now they are threatening me. This is the company website [PROTECTED] i couldn't find information if i search real face came from that company .If i ask any question they are speaking in other languages badly .Lot of bad words speaking . creating fake documents fake report took selfie without my knowledge.
Likewise , i searched in website once person informed First they offer free education to innocent people, after that they start blackmailing them for money. They send fake court case orders, fake police FIR notices to threaten people for money.It is strongly suggested to everyone, if you get such noticed, immediately report to your nearest police station or cyber cell, and never pay them anything.In past, a girl in Pali, Rajasthan committed suicide due to the similar gang who were blackmailing her for money in the same way as LearnNEarn info .Pls kindly accept my complaint.
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