Hello sir,
Please see below details. I already send the mail to grievance also but they not give proper response.
Name - Hemendra M Baxi
PF no - 6095
Policy no - [Protected]
UHID - [Protected]
Claim no - [Protected]
Billed Amount - 124219
Approval Amount - 79458
Disallowed Amount - 44761
Neft/ cheq no - KKBK[Protected]
As per above details in settlement letter I am not agree with following disallowed amount
1. Medicine amount - 28514 (Because all medicine breakup, bill already send to u, so why deducted).
2. Room and nursing charge - 4250 (As per hospital criteria above, amt taken for nursing).
Please my humble request to u please review the claim details again and approval for 28514 + 4250 = 32764 amount as soon as possible. Patient already died and why you deducted the amount I don't know, Please consider and approve the remaining amount for nominee.
Because all amount paid by us in hospital during the treatment and this is our right for asking you. All premiums paid regularly for policy. so why deducted during settlement time.
Already send all the details to hitpa which want for approval. Please do for positive response. This is the matter for my point of view.
Daughter of H M Baxi
Thanks and regards
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