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DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

DryFruitPoint.Myshopify.com Complaints & Reviews

We have ordered dryfruits worth 1642rs. On April 8th 2023 and haven't received the order yet. Please refund the amount or deliver the order...
Diksha17o9 15th of Apr 2023
I have ordered the product on 28 June 2022. That was the pistachio nuts quantity of 1 kg and the price of nuts is 299 and i had paid that by my UPI the order is confirmed at that moment but after few minutes the website is not opening and it is not working till. So please help me to get my money back or to get my product....
AKSHAY_SANKHALA 10th of Jul 2022
I had ordered for dry fruits from the above mentioned company. I had received a suggested post on this company on my Facebook. When I paid the amount, it was transacted to a name as Vanpriya Jaykumar Rameshbhai, the transaction number is [Protected]for Rs.598 from payu team (PAYUIB).

The only SMS which I have received is the above mentioned transaction no with the payment amount and the payu team. Since then, I never received any email or further SMS related to this order and presently I am not able to find their website.

I have not received the ordered products nor have I received any tracking number, or email regarding the same. When I tried opening the website, a message is displayed stating that this store is unavailable.

I purchase dry fruits throughout the year but my purchases are done by directly approaching the shop. I have never browsed the internet for dry fruits and never made any online purchases.

Yet I do not understand how are dry fruits related shopping sites suggested in my Facebook and all these have started in the last few weeks. The only online work related to dry fruits is when I make online payments for dry fruits in the shop.

I do not know whether my online payment details have been accessed by third parties which might have been accessed via any of the apps in my cellphone....
sahana_00 4th of Jul 2022
I ordered products of rs. 1895/ dry fruits and now the same review, no website no mail regarding the delivery...take strict action against it. The payment has been deducted. Kindly refund the money. Before doing the payment I tried to check in the Google abt it. Then ,there ws no complaints box or something being appeared. As soon as I did it and now again searched .

The reviews appeared. Kindly look into this. At once , these kind of websites create a doubt in person mind , how the products are so cheap and then the address everything was being searched. It ws showing the address of jaipur, near railway station. I tried before doing the payment but there were no such reviews and after one day when I searched again abt the same site, these things appear.

Pls refund my money then only a trust will be set up on these complaints sites as well. I have the payment transaction message as well...
nishtha khunger 1st of Jul 2022

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