Grown Mart



Grown Mart

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Grown Mart Reviews & Complaints

Submit Complaint against Grown Mart through Consumer Complaints Forum - Complaint Room. You can see here the complaints and reviews against Grown Mart submitted by users, and can clear your doubts and concerns like whether the Grown Mart is fake or real? or is legit or scam? You can contact Grown Mart directly through their Customer Care/ Helpline/ Contact Number(s) or by Email.

Grown Mart Complaints & Reviews

The product I had ordered and the product they delivered to me is not the same completely different and very very bad quality.

The Complaint/ Review has been submitted by the user Minhaj against the company i.e. Grown Mart from , India regarding a Fraud/ Scam....
Minhaj 6th of Nov 2023
Incident date 03/10/2022br Incident place Nagpurbr Online Fraud - Provided incorrect product and payment taken. Also I have not received any payment confirmation massage/ ...
avaidya 17th of Oct 2022
I have ordered lightning projector but this fraud company has sent me juicer mixer.They charged me 1199 rupees and against which they delivered 200 rupees juicer. I am all set to sue them to court and will not leave them for doing these frauds. In fact you will not find their address on delivery box they just give just name in from column....
churchill sharma 8th of Oct 2022
I have ordered Wardrobe storage product but they sent very cheep product not worth of 100 rs. and I paid 999 rs. to them. I want to return this product and wanna get back my money. Please help me and others on this....
Chennabasavaraj BG 24th of May 2022
On 17.05.22
We ordered a wardrobe organizer of 12*2=24 storage boxes and paid the full price of Rs.999*2=1998, The boxes were of very cheap quality and cloth shown in the image is entirely different and very very worst quality, not at all what was shown in the image.

On site and we received only 6*2=12 boxes instead of 12*2=24. We want our money back or we will file an official complaint in the consumer court. I have seen so many other people lodging the same complaint and its surprising that this company has not been taken down yet.

They are scamming and looting so many innocents people and will definitely suffer the consequences for their actions.
With regards.
Thanking you...
Gowrisrinivasan 24th of May 2022
Grown Mart - Fraud Site. I have ordered for dress organiser buy 6 and get 6 free. But i got only 6 nos. They charged me Rs. 999. The quality is also not good...
rehana mogal 20th of May 2022
Poor quality product. It was totally different from the pictures shown on site. How can you do this to your customers. I want my REFUND...
Surarora 19th of May 2022
I have ordered woven saree cover which is 12 but received only 6 & quality also very cheap. I want to return this product & get refunded but I any Phone or email of this Company why this type products upload and fraud and cheating to customer....
Puri 19th of May 2022
We ordered a wardrobe organiser of 12 storage boxes and paid the full price of rs 999, The boxes were of very cheap quality and not at all what was shown in the image on site and we received only 6 boxes instead of 12

We want our money back or we will file an official complaint in consumer court. I have seen so many other people lodging the same complaint and its surprising that this company has not been taken down yet.

They are scamming and looting so many people and will definitely suffer the consequences for their actions....
Sukrit Singhal 18th of May 2022
I have ordered for dress organiser buy6 and get 6 free. But i got only 6 nos. They charged me Rs. 999. The quality is also ok only...
Usha Ramaswamy 29th of Apr 2022

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